pop-up events | batch 22 bakery – Batch 22 Bakery

pop-up events

In addition to our regular deliveries + pickups, we also do pop-ups at coffee shops!


or walk-up to purchase and take your chances - we accept cash, card, venmo, and zelle. all pudges are individually sold - and individually packaged.

 Date Location Time Pre-order link + notes
Sat 2/10/24  Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out event has passed.   we will also have custom LNY stickers & valentine's day cards for walk-up purchase.
Sun 2/18/24 Redemption, Campbell 9am-11am or until sold out event has passed
Sun 3/17/24 Redemption, Campbell 9am-11am or until sold out event has passed
Sat 3/23/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out event has passed
Sat 3/30/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out event has passed
Sat 4/13/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out event has passed
Sat 4/20/24 Plants by Post / Miko Coffee Cart, Campbell 11am - 1pm or until sold out

event has passed

Plants by Post is hosting a kid's herb gardening and a succulent arranging workshop inside from 11-12:30 (Register early).

Sat 4/27/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out

order ahead here.

For their 2nd anniversary at this spot, Nirvana Soul will be serving $2 regular size Celebration lattes all day and hosting 2 giveaways. One in-store and one online! 

Sat 5/4/24 T4 Palo Alto (across from Sweet Maple) 11am-2pm TBA - collaborative pop-up with Jessica Fu & Astranda Bakery!!
Sat 5/11/24 Teaspoon Hostetter TBD TBA - will have a discount for Teaspoon!
Sat 5/25/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out TBA
Sat 6/8/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out TBA
Sat 6/15/24 T4 Palo Alto TBD TBA
Sat 6/22/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out TBA
Sat 7/13/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out TBA
Sat 7/27/24 Nirvana Soul Cupertino 10am-12pm or until sold out TBA